Community Projects & Enterprises

As part of our vision we have created eight key community projects and social enterprises. We’ve already had some success in attracting funding from different funders to make these a reality and hope to bring in more in the future. Funding has been received among others from MHCLG, Awards for All, CO-OP, National Lottery Heritage Fund and DCC Active Grants.

Green Estate Initiative

Hurst Farm Wildworks

This is a community-owned charitable social enterprise that is taking on the management of all our green spaces. It will improve the woodlands, plant a community orchard and wildflower meadows and work to improve local parks.

Farmers View Initiative

Hurst Farm Club

Our vision is that Hurst Farm Social Club can be transformed into a modern, family-friendly community facility with a café, bar, farm shop and space for a variety of activities.

Heritage Walk Initiative

Hurst Farm Heritage Project

A project developing footpaths into a Heritage Trail, opening up a circular footpath connecting Hurst Farm to Matlock and Tansley via four heritage sites on our doorstep: Baileys Tump WWII site, John Bowne Memorial, Victorian Wishing Stone and Lumsdale Industrial Heritage Site.

Grow to Give Initiative

Farmer's Garden

With are currently creating to set up a community garden project growing fresh produce to supply the community pantry.

Milk Churn Initiative

Milk Churn

It is intended that the Milk Churn will be a wonderful social space for the people of Hurst Farm, and will also attract lots of visitors from near and far.

Forest School Initiative

Matlock Forest School

A social enterprise that will offer fun outdoor play and learning activities in Hurst Farm Woods for Matlock and the wider area.

The Hive Initiative

The Hive @ Hurst Farm

This will become the Community Information Centre that will become the place to stop to find out about volunteering, activities and events on Hurst Farm.